Why Buy Palestinian?
- The first reason to buy Palestinian food is simply that it is delicious and the finest quality. Our Olive Oil is globally renowned for its premium extra virgin quality due to the topography of the land, our ancient trees and our rain-fed agricultural system, unique only to our small area of the world. We have a short Olive season here in Palestine, so the fruit is picked at its prime before it over-ripens and becomes too acidic, making it amongst the best in the world. Our traditional Freekah is also unique to our plains and traditional field-based roasting methods and our fragrant zataar and sage ranges are grown wild in our rocky hills making it natural, delicious, healthy and only found here.
- The second reason to buy Palestinian is to support these small artisanal farmers and producers who rely on their small patches of land to support their families and maintain their way of life.
- Thirdly, by buying Palestinian food, you are helping us preserve our much-loved culture of food and identity, which is slowly being eroded in the current political situation.
Selama bertahun-tahun, diet Mediterranean telah disebut-sebut sebagai menyihatkan jantung. Berasaskan tumbuhan, penuh dengan bijirin penuh, kekacang, sayur-sayuran, dan minyak zaitun, diet adalah berdasarkan tabiat pemakanan mereka yang tinggal berhampiran Laut Mediterranean.
Asas kepada diet adalah penggunaan minyak zaitun. Pakar mengatakan bahawa menggunakan minyak zaitun, lemak tak tepu tunggal, adalah lebih sihat daripada mengambil lemak haiwan, dan ia boleh membantu mengurangkan keradangan dan penyakit jantung. “Lemak tak jenuh tunggal adalah lebih sihat daripada lemak tepu dan trans, seperti minyak kelapa dan mentega,” kata Dr Michelle Pearlman, pakar pemakanan doktor dan penolong profesor di Bahagian Kesihatan Pencernaan dan Penyakit Hati di Sekolah Perubatan Miller.
Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Acidity 0.8)
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